Online - Full stack Development Course
Our Full Stack Development course is available in both English and Tamil, with dedicated classes for each language to ensure a seamless learning experience for all students. Choose the language that suits you best and start your journey to becoming a skilled full-stack developer!
Online - Full Stack Development Course
Lock your future in tech with our Full Stack Programming online course, designed to turn you into a highly skilled developer in just 6 months. From mastering programming fundamentals to building powerful backend systems and creating dynamic front-end interfaces, this course covers it all. Learn at your own pace with live sessions, recorded lectures, and hands-on projects that prepare you for real-world application development.
Program Details
Duration: 6 months (Online, Self-Paced with Recorded Sessions)
Location: Learn from anywhere, with flexible online access to course materials and live instructor sessions.
Course Fee: ₹10,000 + 18%GST (Affordable and accessible)
Course Structure
Programming Fundamentals - 3 weeks
Data Types, Variables, Methods, Conditional Statements, Loops
Data Structures, Pseudo Programming, IDEs
Backend Development - 11 weeks
Java, Spring Boot, Maven, REST APIs
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism
Multi-threading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, Database CRUD operations
Database Management - 4 weeks
PostgreSQL: Configuration, Queries, Tables Design, Indexing, Triggers
MongoDB: Configuration, Collections, Sharding, Indexing
Frontend Development - 6 weeks
HTML, CSS, JavaScript Basics, DOM Handling
ReactJS: Components, Hooks, Events, Redux Cache, Navigation
Offline - Fullstack Development course
Our Offline - Full Stack Development course is designed to provide hands-on learning and in-depth knowledge of both front-end and back-end development. With expert instructors, interactive sessions, and real-world projects, this course equips you with the skills needed to build complete web applications and succeed in the tech industry. Join us and take the first step towards becoming a proficient full-stack developer!
Offline - Fullstack Development course
Secure your future in tech with our Offline - Full Stack Development course, designed to transform you into a highly skilled developer in just 6 months. From mastering programming fundamentals to building robust backend systems and creating dynamic front-end interfaces, this comprehensive course covers it all. Experience in-person learning with expert-led classes, collaborative sessions, and hands-on projects that prepare you for real-world application development. Join us and take the next step toward your tech career!
Program Details
Duration: 6 months (Offline, Instructor-Led with Hands-On Sessions)
Location: Lumen Coding Bootcamp Premises, Coimbatore
Course Fee: ₹1,00,000 + 18%GST(Comprehensive and industry-focused training)
Course Structure
Programming Fundamentals - 2 weeks
Data Types, Variables, Methods, Conditional Statements, Loops
Data Structures (Arrays, Lists, Stacks, Queues), Pseudo Programming, IDEs
Backend Development - 8 weeks
Java Programming: OOP (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction), Data Types, Methods, Exception Handling
Spring Boot: Dependency Injection, REST APIs, Spring Security, Transactions, Annotations (@Autowired, @RestController, etc.)
Multi-threading & Concurrency: Daemon Programming, Synchronization, Thread Pools, Producer-Consumer Problem
Database Integration: File I/O, Database Connectivity, CRUD Operations, and SQL Queries
Database Management - 3 weeks
SQL: PostgreSQL Setup, Tables, Joins, Transactions, Indexing
MongoDB: Setup, Collections, Sharding, Indexing
Frontend Development - 4.5 weeks
JavaScript: DOM Manipulation, Functions, Arrays, Promises
ReactJS: Components, Hooks, State Management (Redux), Navigation
HTML/CSS: Page Structure, Styling, Flexbox, Grid, Responsive Design
Data Structures & Algorithms – 24 weeks – 1 hour/day
Data Structures Basics,Mathematical Problems,Array Problems,2D Array Problems,Sorting Problems – Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort,
String Problems,Hashing Problems,Bit Manipulation Problems ,Recursion, Advanced Recursion Problems ,Binary Search Problems ,Two Pointer Problems.
So LRU Cache ,Stack Problems ,Queue Problems ,Binary Tree Problems – Traversal, Add, Delete, Search ,Heap Problems – Priority Queue, MinHeap, MaxHeap
Greedy Problems ,Dynamic Programming Problems ,Graph Problems ,Trie Problems.
Low Level Design - 2 weeks
Creational Design Patterns,
Structural Design Patterns,
Behavioral Design Patterns,
Parking Lot Design.
System Design - 3 weeks
Microservices Design ,Caching ,Async Messaging ,Real Time Chat App Design ,BookMyShow Design,
URL Shortener Design ,Video Streaming App Design, Twitter Design
Interview Preparation - 1.5 weeks
Mock Interviews, Problem Solving, Coding Challenges
Online - Data Structures & Algorithms
Our Online - Data Structures & Algorithms course is available in both English and Tamil, with dedicated classes for each language to ensure a seamless learning experience for all students. Choose the language that suits you best and start your journey to mastering Data Structures and Algorithms!
Online - Data Structures & Algorithms
Secure your future in tech with our Online - Data Structures & Algorithms course, designed to make you a problem-solving expert in just 6 months. From mastering algorithmic thinking to understanding complex data structures, this course covers it all. Learn at your own pace with live sessions, recorded lectures, and hands-on problem-solving exercises that prepare you for real-world coding challenges and technical interviews.
Program Details
Duration: 6 months (Online, Self-Paced with Recorded Sessions)
Location: Learn from anywhere, with flexible online access to course materials and live instructor sessions.
Course Fee: ₹20,000 +18%GST ((Affordable and accessible)
Course Structure
Array / String
Merge Sorted Array ,Remove Element ,Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array ,Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II ,Majority Element ,Rotate Array ,Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ,Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II,Jump Game ,Jump Game II ,H-Index ,Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) ,Product of Array Except Self ,Gas Station ,Candy Trapping Rain Water.
Roman to Integer ,Integer to Roman, Length of Last Word ,Longest Common Prefix ,Reverse Words in a String Proprietary Property of Lumen Coding Bootcamp ,Zigzag Conversion ,Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String ,Text Justification
Two Pointers
Valid Palindrome ,Is Subsequence , Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted , Container With Most Water ,3Sum
Sliding Window :Minimum Size Subarray Sum ,Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters ,Substring with Concatenation of All Words ,Minimum Window Substring.
Matrix :Valid Sudoku ,Spiral Matrix ,Rotate Image ,Set Matrix Zeroes ,Game of Life
Hashmap ,Ransom Note o Isomorphic Strings o Word Pattern o Valid Anagram o Group Anagrams o Two Sum o Happy Number o Contains Duplicate II o Longest Consecutive Sequence.
Linked List
Linked List Cycle ,Add Two Numbers ,Merge Two Sorted Lists ,Copy List with Random Pointer ,Reverse Linked List II ,Reverse Nodes in k-Group.
Remove Nth Node From End of List ,Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II , Rotate List ,Partition List ,LRU Cache.
Binary Tree
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree ,Same Tree ,Invert Binary Tree ,Symmetric Tree ,Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal ,Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II ,Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List ,Path Sum ,Sum Root to Leaf Numbers ,Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum ,Binary Search Tree Iterator Proprietary Property of Lumen Coding Bootcamp, Count Complete Tree Nodes , Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree.
Binary Tree Right Side View ,Average of Levels in Binary Tree , Binary Tree Level Order Traversal ,Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal.
Binary Search Tree :Minimum Absolute Difference in BST ,Kth Smallest Element in a BST ,Validate Binary Search Tree.
Graph :Number of Islands , Surrounded Regions ,Clone Graph ,Evaluate Division ,Course Schedule , Course Schedule II.
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number ,Combinations ,Permutations ,Combination Sum ,N-Queens II ,Generate Parentheses ,Word Search.
Binary Search : Search Insert Position ,Search a 2D Matrix ,Find Peak Element ,Search in Rotated Sorted Array ,Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array o Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array ,Median of Two Sorted Arrays.
Bit Manipulation : Add Binary ,Reverse Bits ,Number of 1 Bits ,Single Number ,Single Number II ,Bitwise AND of Numbers Range.
Math : Palindrome Number ,Plus One Proprietary Property of Lumen Coding Bootcamp , Factorial Trailing Zeroes , Sqrt(x) ,Pow(x, n) ,Max Points on a Line.
1D DP : Climbing Stairs ,House Robber ,Word Break ,Coin Change ,Longest Increasing Subsequence.
Multidimensional DP : Triangle ,Minimum Path Sum ,Unique Paths II ,Longest Palindromic Substring ,Interleaving String ,Edit Distance ,Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III ,Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV ,Maximal Square
In this course, we’ll dive into the following topics
Mastering Java is essential for building robust, scalable applications and solving complex programming challenges. It offers strong object-oriented principles, and cross-platform compatibility, making it ideal for enterprise-level applications
Spring Boot
Mastering Spring Boot is essential for building efficient, scalable, and production-ready Java applications. It simplifies the development process by providing pre-configured setups and reducing boilerplate code.
Mastering PostgreSQL is essential for managing and querying relational databases efficiently. It offers advanced features like ACID compliance, complex queries, and support for large datasets.
Mastering MongoDB is essential for working with NoSQL databases and handling large volumes of unstructured data. It offers flexibility, scalability, and high performance with its document-oriented architecture.
Mastering HTML is essential for building structured web pages and creating the foundation of any website. It enables developers to organize content effectively, ensuring proper layout and accessibility.
Java Script
Mastering JavaScript is essential for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. It enables developers to implement complex features like animations, form validation, and real-time updates.
Mastering CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is essential for designing visually appealing web pages and enhancing the user experience. It allows developers to control the layout, color schemes, fonts, and responsiveness of websites.
React JS
Learn React JS for building dynamic user interfaces. This popular JavaScript library facilitates the creation of reusable UI components and efficient state management, enhancing user experience.
In this module, we’ll dive into the following topics
Mastering Java is essential for building robust, scalable applications and solving complex programming challenges. It offers strong object-oriented principles, and cross-platform compatibility, making it ideal for enterprise-level applications
Spring Boot
Mastering Spring Boot is essential for building efficient, scalable, and production-ready Java applications. It simplifies the development process by providing pre-configured setups and reducing boilerplate code.
Mastering PostgreSQL is essential for managing and querying relational databases efficiently. It offers advanced features like ACID compliance, complex queries, and support for large datasets.
Mastering HTML is essential for building structured web pages and creating the foundation of any website. It enables developers to organize content effectively, ensuring proper layout and accessibility.
Java Script
Mastering JavaScript is essential for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. It enables developers to implement complex features like animations, form validation, and real-time updates.
Mastering CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is essential for designing visually appealing web pages and enhancing the user experience. It allows developers to control the layout, color schemes, fonts, and responsiveness of websites.
Mastering MongoDB is essential for working with NoSQL databases and handling large volumes of unstructured data. It offers flexibility, scalability, and high performance with its document-oriented architecture.
RDBMS Databases
Understand RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) like MySQL and PostgreSQL. These databases are crucial for handling structured data with ACID compliance, ensuring reliable transactions.
React JS
Learn React JS for building dynamic user interfaces. This popular JavaScript library facilitates the creation of reusable UI components and efficient state management, enhancing user experience.
React Native
Build cross-platform mobile apps using React Native. This framework allows developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android, maximizing efficiency and reach.
Familiarize yourself with the SDLC process for systematic software development. Key phases include requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance to ensure project success.
System Design
Learn system design principles to create scalable and maintainable architectures. This involves understanding distributed systems and best practices for high availability and fault tolerance.
Embrace DevOps practices to bridge the gap between development and IT operations. Implementing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) ensures rapid delivery of high-quality software.
Public Cloud
Explore the benefits of public cloud services like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Leverage scalable resources and cost-effective solutions for your IT infrastructure needs.
Data Structures & Algorithms
Mastering data structures and algorithms is essential for efficient coding and solving complex problems. They enhance performance optimization and are crucial for technical interviews.
Dive into microservices architecture, allowing you to build applications as a collection of independent services. This approach enhances scalability and supports agile development practices.
Manage your containerized applications with Kubernetes for automated deployment and scaling. This powerful orchestration tool enhances the reliability and efficiency of your microservices architecture.
Backend Development
Strengthen your skills in backend development, focusing on server-side logic, databases, and APIs. Mastering backend technologies is key to building robust and efficient web applications.
In this module, we’ll dive into the following topics
Mastering arrays is fundamental for efficient problem-solving and programming. Arrays allow you to store multiple values in a single data structure, enabling quick access and manipulation of elements.
Two Pointers
Mastering the Two Pointers technique is essential for solving a wide range of problems efficiently. This technique involves using two pointers to traverse an array or list from different directions, typically to find pairs, check for conditions,.
Sliding Window
Sliding Window techniques is essential for efficiently solving problems .The Two Pointers technique uses two pointers to traverse a data structure in opposite directions or in a coordinated fashion to identify pairs or optimize search times.
Mastering matrix manipulation is crucial for solving a wide range of problems in coding, especially when dealing with multi-dimensional data.
Mastering HashMap is essential for efficient problem-solving, as it provides a way to store key-value pairs with fast access.HashMap can be applied to a wide range of tasks.
Mastering the Stack data structure is crucial for solving problems that involve Last In, First Out (LIFO) operations. Stacks are often used in algorithms where the order of operations needs to be reversed,
Mastering the Linked List data structure is essential for solving problems that involve dynamic data storage and efficient insertion or deletion of elements.
Binary Tree
Mastering the Binary Tree data structure is crucial for efficiently solving problems related to hierarchical data, such as organizational structures, decision trees, and binary search trees.
Mastering Graph data structures is crucial for solving problems related to networks, social media connections, route planning, and any system involving relationships between entities.
Kadane’s Algorithm
Mastering Kadane's Algorithm is essential for solving maximum subarray sum problems efficiently. Kadane's Algorithm is a dynamic programming approach used to find the contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array .
Divide & Conquer
Mastering Divide & Conquer is key to solving complex problems efficiently by breaking them into smaller, more manageable subproblems.
Mastering Heap is essential for efficiently managing a priority queue or organizing data in a way that allows fast access to the largest or smallest elements.
Multidimensional DP
Multidimensional Dynamic Programming (DP) is a powerful technique used to solve complex problems involving multiple variables or dimensions.
Contact Us
4th floor, 1547, Classic Towers,
Trichy Road, Coimbatore,
Tamilnadu - 641018
Timing: Monday - Saturday
(9 AM to 6 PM)